The Sugar Bowl knows coffee…

The Sugar Bowl knows coffee…

Your boy is a coffee nut as most of you folks may know from some of my previous rants. The best way to tell that you’re drinking good coffee is to try an establishment’s house blend. You know….that “go to” regular java with no frills, 

Are you an All Star?

Are you an All Star?

Are you the guy that can drink beers and American Honey all day then hit Hemey Park, put one over the fence and be up for church the next day? Maybe you’re the gal that can organize PTO meetings, work a shift, get the kids to hockey, food 

Dot Rats on watch!

Dot Rats on watch!

Gotta take a moment to give a big shout out to three of Dorchester’s finest currently serving in the Marines.  Before I do, I would like to acknowledge some others folks. As we all know there’s nothing more honorable than serving your country. To wake 

Support our veterans this weekend…

Support our veterans this weekend…

Simply put – I’m a firm believer that there are two words in the English language that should never have to be written side by side – Veteran Hardship Fortunately there’s good folks out there that try and do something about it….and you can too. The Saint 

Savin Hill is all class…

Savin Hill is all class…

There’s an ebb and flow to life…. Often I find myself feeling gross after a half hour of local news and this morning was no exception. Let’s face it…bad news and misery sells and the big networks have built lucrative businesses because of it. But, 

The night before eggmageddon…

The night before eggmageddon…

Twas the night before Halloween and all through the hood……nope….thats not going to work. Ever try to buy eggs in Dorchester the night before Halloween? The supply tends to be a bit lean right? That’s because all the little pricks in the neighborhood buy them 

Best Coffee in Dot…

Best Coffee in Dot…

Ok, so this is long overdue. I tried to make this happen before and the polling system I used absolutely sucked. Sooooo…I’m doing it again….and this time it’s for all the beans <—–Right! – Damn your boy is shahp! What is your favorite local coffee spot? 

I Dont Play…

I Dont Play…

Been blasting this all morning… Been a few since I sounded off about a song I like and that’s usually because I get bored with what I’m hearing. I first heard this Pete Needy (Stay Puft Productions) beat in the 363: The Road to the 

The Dot Drone…

The Dot Drone…

Well, I’m a big kid at heart and I do love technology. So…I need to get one of these drones in my life and I’m already looking into the Let’s Fly Wisely drone buyers guide so that I can buy the best one for my 

The Southie effect…

The Southie effect…

If any of you have driven around Southie lately one thing that really stands out besides the burb baby posers is the obscene amount of over development. The buildings seem to have been conceived by architects to appeal to its ultra douche residents who may rather live in